Monday, April 14, 2008

the darndest things

One of the biggest indicators that life went on without me while I was in Australia is my nine year old sister Abby. She is at the beginning of pre-adolescent girly cattiness and is starting to discover that she can act attractive and nearly get away with it. Soon after my return she came to me and told me very sincerely, "I know what you're going through. I've been through several break ups." I missed her first two boyfriends, "One for 2 days and one for 4 days."

But that's not all.

When I asked her about the latest on Miley Cyrus, this former Hannah Montana addict proclaimed. "Ugh! I HATE her!" Surprised, I asked why. Even more indignantly, she replied, "SHE HAS MEDICAL PROBLEMS!" Apparently Abby is not an equal opportunity Disney fan.

Abby as Hannah Montana, pre-medical problems

Later, Kate and I were talking to her about our recent trip with our church to New Orleans to do hurricane recovery. I explained that she should feel lucky, "Because some kids don't have meals." Without missing a beat she piped in, "Yeah. And some kids don't have iPods."

I think I'm going to go write into Reader's Digest.

1 comment:

Leah said...

WHat is the world coming to when Abby no longer loves Hannah Montana?? If a 25-year-old I work with loves Hannah Montana enough to leave work early to watch her on the Disney Channel, surely a tween can love her enough to overlook "medical problems." (???)

Ahh, yout'.