Thursday, March 13, 2008

this one really smarts

Sometimes when I am in physical pain, I feel the need to keep constantly moving. If I have stubbed my toe I will walk in circles until the throbbing eases. If I have a muscle cramp I can twitch and bob for hours. I guess movement distracts me from a pain that can otherwise dominate the senses.

But once in a while, the pain is bigger than the sum of my twitches and bobs. There is nothing to do but to just lay as still as possible and feel the ache course through my body. I count the rhythm of the headache or the short stabs of a spasm and allow myself to just feel the pain.

It is always more painful than I want it to be. But it does seem more manageable, I guess. And there is comfort in simply handling the pain. I often prefer to do this while squeezing my eyes closed, though. (We all have our night lights.)

As for how this applies to my life right now? (It isn't a total non sequitir.)

Well, right now, twitching and bobbing is doing very little for me. And I'm feeling I might need to squeeze my eyes shut soon. Most likely on the flight home.


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